Island Transit's Safety & Health Commitment Program
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, Island Transit’s response to the health and safety of our passenger, staff and the community has been thoughtful and swift. We take the pandemic very seriously as a real threat to public health. To increase our commitment further, Island Transit joins the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) effort to protect riders and employees so that public transportation can continue to deliver safe, valuable services to everyone. The Safety & Health Commitments Program centers on shared commitments during the COVID-19 crisis. As your public transit agency, we do our part and as passengers of public transit, you do your part.
Seal of Commitment, now displayed on our buses, shelters and communications materials, means we pledge to institute policies and practices in four major areas:
• Following official guidance provided by public health officials and the transit industry.
• Protecting each other
through smart practices and behaviors.
• Making informed choices
based on science, data and timely information.
• Putting health and safety first.
Island Transit’s commitments – and yours – can be found on our website, social media, posters, and other signage on our buses, shelters and facilities. You’re counting on transit and we’re counting on you.
"We're all in this together."
As a public transit agency, Island Transit does more than move people. Public transit promotes economic growth, a clean environment, and social equity. It connects all of us to what we need, what we love and what we aspire to achieve. It’s the backbone of mobility on which freedom and progress are built.
What is Island Transit doing to protect passenger health and safety?
Island Transit is following the latest guidance from local, state, and federal public health authorities. Currently, the safety and health measures we have in place for our operators and staff include:
• We’ve installed Plexiglass to support social distancing to separate operators at work.
• Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes have been provided to our coach operators.
• Hand sanitizer is installed in all our big buses.
• Each day Island Transit disinfects the coach operator’s seating area.
• Operators are wearing gloves and masks.
• All staff perform a health screening before they come to work.
We’re committed to continuously improve and adopt our procedures and protocols to protect our staff and passengers. These measures will be updated as the guidance changes.
Island Transit (physical and mailing address)
19758 SR 20
Coupeville, WA 98239
Main Office: (360) 678-7771
Fax: (360) 544-3710
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 3:45 AM - 7:50 PM
Saturday-Sunday 6:45 AM - 7:00 PM
Monday - Friday 5:45 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday-Sunday 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
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